Dance/Movement Therapy: An Introduction and an Invitation
Instructor: Kim Rothwell, BC-DMT, LCPC, GL-CMA
Hybrid - 10 Week Format
Virtual: Sept. 16, 2024-Nov. 18, 2024 4-7pm CST
In person one class: October 21st, 2024 all classes meet 4-7pm CST
Cost: $850
This course provides a survey of the field of dance/movement therapy (DMT), including an introduction to the early developers of the profession, the historical context within the United States that lead to the development of the profession and the ADTA, and contemporary applications of DMT in today’s global world. The approach to teaching is embodied, self-reflective, and relational, offering an invitation for students to learn in ways that embed both the theory and the practice of DMT into the present moment lived experience. Early DMT developers will be acknowledged, and explored in an experiential manner recognizing psychological and movement/dance backgrounds. The historical situatedness of the profession of dance/movement therapy will be examined, while acknowledging the broader global context in which the use of dance and movement has been used across generations and cultures. By exploring the contemporary applications of DMT in the fields of psychology, wellness, rehabilitation, education, and childhood development, this course highlights the unique healing processes of DMT, in relationship to other mind/body approaches and to the creative arts therapies. In the end, this course will equip students to develop a working definition of DMT for themselves within historical, cultural, and personal contexts.
2 credit hours / 30 classroom hours - Approved by the ADTA
30 CEs available for NBCC
AR-DMT theory & practice course
For more information, email: embodiededucationinstitute@gmail.com

Date and Time
Monday Oct 7, 2024
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM CDT
This 10 week virtual course begins on September 16 and runs through November 18th every Monday from 4-7pm CST. The October 21st class will be in person at Mind Body Connections.
Mind Body Connections
1802 W Berteau, Suite 205
Chicago, IL 60613
Registration can occur on line: https://embodiededucationinstituteofchicago.com/product/introinvitation/
Contact Information
Stacey Hurst
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